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Welcome to my Blog! :)

Posted in Uncategorized

Last updated on August 29, 2018

Hey guys I’m Rhon, thanks so much for stopping by!

When I was first able to stay home,  I had an awful time adjusting.  Going from the corporate world to being able to stay home made me feel as if I wasn’t “contributing” enough to the household with no money coming in.  It took a very long time for me to realize that I WAS contributing a lot more than I thought I was. I learned to embrace my inner domestic goddess and I loved it!

I’m able to have supper ready on the table when my Husband comes home from work.  I’m able to keep the house clean and laundry is not piling up, that’s a win win for me!  I love cooking, finding new recipes and creating a home that’s peaceful and welcoming to come home to. I also love to craft and everything and anything that has to do with DIY. I have a schedule during the day that I pretty much stick to that helps me keep things in order.  I’m like my own Boss again, another win! Plus I get to be home with our dog and who doesn’t love being home with their furbabys right?

Some personal stuff about me..I’m married to my best friend and amazing husband (Kudos for putting up with me babe), have 2 amazing kids that I’m so very proud of..I am a H U G E Oakland Raiders fan..I love music, I can have Mozart on one minute and totally rock the hell to Rob Zombie the next..I call it balance lol.  I love to read and write.  I am a dork, but a funny dork 🙂  I am a weather nerd, I may have missed my calling on that lol.  I’m also a gamer, I love all types of video games….RPGs are my weakness..Mortal Kombat is my everything….”shrugs”

So grab your coffee, tea or glass of wine etc. (depending on what time of day you are reading this, but you know what they say…its 5 o’clock somewhere)  and stop on by to see what’s happening at my home.

I have lots to talk about and tons to share and cant wait to hear from you guys as well!

See ya soon!





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