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Never Fear, Homemade Veggie Stock Is Here!!

Posted in Vegetable Stock

Last updated on October 5, 2018


Ok so, it’s in the dead of winter.  Everything is frozen including your bones and you just found this awesome recipe for soup or a delicious recipe for some comfort food that includes vegetable stock.  You THINK (think being the key word here) you have all the ingredients and you’re just so excited to make this kick ass recipe for your family, loved one or just yourself.

It’s time to grab the vegetable stock from your pantry and….there….is….NONE!! If you are anything like me pure panic sets in, followed by anger because whhhhhyyyy didn’t I double check before I put part of the recipe together and why the heck wasn’t it on my grocery list if I was running low??  Don’t fret my lil rhonnies (hey if Lady Gaga can have “little monsters” I can have lil rhonnies lol) because homemade veggie stock is here and it is sooo easy to make!

Those tips, ends and pieces don’t toss away, save them! I place mine in a gallon size freezer bag and place it in the freezer. I  add more to the bag every time I chop vegetables until the bag is full.  I believe the longest time I have had a bag of scraps in the freezer was about 3 months, but I usually make stock as soon as the bag is full.

Bag of veggie scraps

The best part about making homemade stock is you can basically add any vegetable scrap you have on hand.  I have heard though that if you add veggies like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower it can make the stock bitter.  I wouldn’t add any veggie that is going spoiled.

So the basics I always use are:

  • Onion skins, peels and pieces
  • Garlic skins and pieces
  • Celery ends and pieces
  • Carrot peels ends and pieces
  • Tomatoes
  • Red, Yellow, and Orange Bell Peppers

I have added other scraps before like mushrooms, scallions, leeks and asparagus.  Like I said before you can basically add any vegetable scrap.

My bag contained scraps and pieces of onion, garlic, celery, carrots, tomatoes and red, orange and yellow bell peppers

Ok so now that your beautiful bag is full it’s time to make your stock! It’s so exciting I know!! You’re going to place your scraps in your pot, I use my 8 qt. pot. I also sprinkle some spices in there..basil, oregano, thyme and parsley but you can add any kind of spice if you wish.  I add water to just above the scraps and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat to low and simmer for about an hour.

Pour everything into your strainer or colander with a pan underneath and press down on the scraps to get all those yummy juices out.

You can use this right away or keep in the fridge for about 4 or 5 days. Or even freeze it!

Homemade Veggie Stock

Delicious homemade veggie stock made from scraps of vegetables that you have used. I place all my scraps in a quart or gallon size freezer bag and make the stock once filled.  You can also use fresh veggie scraps as well.

Course Soup
Keyword Stock
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 6


  • Onions skins, peels, pieces
  • Garlic skins and pieces
  • Celery ends and pieces
  • Carrots peels ends and pieces
  • Tomatoes ends and pieces
  • Red, Yellow, and Orange Bell Peppers ends, pieces
  • dash basil, Oregano, Marjoram, Thyme, Rosemary..or any spice you wish you can add more when the soup is made if you wish


  1. Place your scraps and spices in an 8qt. pot and add water just above the scraps.

  2. Bring water to a boil then lower the heat to low and simmer for 1 hour

  3. Pour everything into a strainer or colander with a pan underneath and press down on the scraps to get all the yummy juices out

  4. This is what the stock will look like once done.  You can use right away, keep in the fridge for 4-5 days or freeze for when you are ready to use

Recipe Notes

You can use any vegetables that you wish, however, I have been told that if you add brussels sprouts, cabbage or cauliflower will make the stock bitter.  I also wouldn't add any veggies that are spoiled.

That’s it guys! Super easy right? Now you can have homemade stock on hand at all times!

Do you make your own vegetable stock? Do you do anything different? I would love to hear from you, so please comment below!

Talk to you soon!



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