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Friday Favorites..Small Kitchen Appliances

Posted in Friday Favorites

Last updated on August 28, 2018

Hi guys it’s  Friiiiiiidaaaaayyyy, which means it’s time for my Friday Favorites!! So Happy Friday to you all and congratulations on surviving the week! 🙂

So today I’m going to be blabbing about what my all time favorite small kitchen appliances are.   I have a probably very unhealthy obsession with small kitchen appliances. This also goes for office supplies and don’t even get me going on craft supplies lol that is for a later topic.

Ok so let’s get this started with:

Crock Pot/Slow Cooker– this is probably my all time favorite since I’ve been using one since I was a young girl. This a great item to have if you have a busy household with kids and hectic schedules and also great if your single or if it’s just you and your spouse.

There are different sizes and makes on the market of these, there is even one that you can control with your phone using WiFi! So y’all know I want one like this asap, but we can’t tell the hubby because he made me swear to no more small appliances so ssshhhhhhh lol 🙂

You can make anything from soup and appetizers to full blown desserts with this little bad boy.  The best part? Throw all the ingredients for your recipe in the crock and forget for 8-10 hours.  That’s an entire day to work, spend with the family or relax just by yourself!  I love doing pot roast and pulled pork the most in mine but have done many other recipes as well which come out super awesome!


Pressure Cooker/Insta Pot– We received one of these a few years ago from my mother-in-law.  I will honestly say when I went to use it the first time, I was scared out of my wits hahaha.  All I heard was horror stories about the lids blowing off and people getting hurt and a huge mess to clean up.  So I made my husband stand right near me when I was getting it ready.

We decided to do a pot roast because it would only take about an hour, which great because I was starving to the point I was hangry lol.  It came out sooo delicious I could not believe it.  I actually just bought a pressure cooker cook book because now that I have the time I want to play around with it more.  You can steam, brown and also cook rice..and its also a slow cooker!! BOOM this little monster does it all!


Food Steamer–  I absolutely love love  LOVE our food steamer! I bought it last year while we were wedding planning. We wanted to start eating healthier foods and the Hubby was getting steamed chicken broccoli and rice for lunch so I was like hey instead of spending money everyday I’m going to get this little machine and make our own.  I’m so glad I did!

The steamer I have has two bowls and a smaller white container to hold rice, so we can cook everything together in about a half hour or so and its all done at once.  I love just steaming any fresh produce I have around as well.  You can steam grains, poultry, red meat, shellfish fish, veggies, tofu and even cook hard boiled eggs in the steamer..anything you want steamed this little beast does it all. Did I mention its H E A L T H Y?? 🙂


Blender– A staple in just about every home,  I love the blender.  Basically because we love ice cream and can make awesome milkshakes and adult drinks lol.  This little cutie can puree, mix, crush ice, make awesome frozen drinks etc.  Mine came with a chopper that you attach to the base of the blender, so you can chop, grate, grind, crush and dice as well, you can find mine here


Hand Blender– Ok I put this one on the list because I just received one for a bridal shower gift from my mother-in-law.  I have never used one but I have always wanted one so I know it will become a hit with me.  I am actually using it for the first time tomorrow when I make a recipe I will post about.  UPDATE!!!!  Please see my “Got Carrots” post I used this bad boy and it was awesome..check it out here


Kitchenaid Stand Mixer– Guys…when I say I have wanted since probably birth, I’m not lying.  I remember growing up and my friends parents would have one and I was fascinated by it.  In high school in my cooking class we were able to use on and I was blown away.  I was always determined to get one but never did.  Days, weeks, months and years went on and Rhon still never did buy or receive one…until…this past Christmas (2017) My fiance/now husband got me one and I was so excited and still am to own one of these fascinating machines 🙂

I have a 5qt Artisan Tilt-head and this thing is the greatest thing since sliced bread..well to me anyway lol.  It’s quieter than my hand mixer, my hand doesn’t want to fall off from mashing potatoes for 20 guests and I don’ make half the mess I used to when making homemade brownies, cookies or cakes..score!!

But, my all time favorite thing to mix in my stand mixer is…ready?…MEATLOAF!!! Guys I love meatloaf, I have a post about with pics of my mixer going to work.  Meatloaf was one of the very first recipes I learned to make when I was a young girl. I got older though, mixing it got to be a drag, I mean hey I love meatloaf so I will mix it with my hands until the cows come home but when I found out I didn’t need to do all that anymore it was like angels singing all around me.  True story! lol.

You throw the meat, breadcrumbs, eggs, spices and any condiments you want to add..move the switch and BOOM..everything is mixed and your not taking rings off so they wont get gooey and your hands and fingers arnt killing you just need to make it into a loaf and put it in the oven!

There are a ton of attachments you can get as well for your mixer.  I have the Fresh Prep attachment set which you can grate cheese,make hash browns and slice veggies.  I also have my eye on this attachment set as well 🙂

They are pricey but sooo very worth it if you bake and cook a lot 🙂

And finally the machine that keeps yours truly a happy girl and makes life more bearable is…drum roll please…my Keurig Coffee Maker!!  Listen..I can’t function without coffee or tea in the morning, I might as well cancel the entire day without it lol.

You can buy your favorite coffee in K-cups or a variety box with different flavor cups.  It pretty much speaks for itself and I love it to death!

So what are some of your favorite small kitchen appliances? Do you have any you want to buy or any you dislike?  Comment below, I would love to hear from you!

Talk to you soon




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