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Chaotic Clutter

Posted in Declutter

*SIDE NOTE*  I started this post back in February (yes I know its September, don’t judge me lol) Since then we got married, my son graduated high school and just moved into his Dorm last Friday (I never gave him permission to grow up so fast but whatever lol) tons of family gatherings in between and the deep spring cleaning we wanted to do never got done..I know, we suck 🙂 However the deep clean WILL happen this Fall!*

2018 is the year for me to start (obviously the word “start” being the key word here hahaha) eliminating any and all clutter from my life.  I used to think of clutter as things that accumulated that I do not need anymore or a messy cabinet or a desk covered in papers, but now that I’m older clutter means a bit more.

Do you have that one “friend” or “follower” on social media that you don’t really know or have any real communication with? The one that just complains all the time or has nothing positive to say about anything? Get rid of that “Negative Nancy” #byeFelicia asap!  If it doesn’t bring you positivity, help you grow or bring happiness to your life or if its someone or some thing that could possibly bring conflict in your life..stay away from flashing lights and sirens blaring STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY!!  Get rid of the chaotic clutter from your life.

Ok, lets get back to the “things” cluttering your life, well my life right now.  I have a bad habit of hanging on to because hey ya never know if I might want to try this or that.  Clothes, well because I may fit back into them someday or that shirt is only 10 years old and still looks good.  I have pant suits and outfits I haven’t worn in a few years since my corporate office days but hey let me save them because ya never know right?  I have old shoes, old socks old everything that honestly i need to donate or throw out because even though in the back of my mind I say to myself I will still use them, I wont, I wont at all use them.

Everyday for months ! will say “oh I have to clean this drawer or I cant find anything I have to fix this” and I never do. The clutter and disorganization just gets worse and worse.  I actually made myself a calendar/to-do list notebook to keep organized and it has helped me a ton before so I’m doing it again.  I”m one of those people who love making lists and when I get to check something off the list I feel great!

So right now what I need to work on the most are my dresser drawers ( my husband keeps his so much neater lol).  I look at them and I’m so embarrassed.  I honestly don’t know what happened to them..OK that’s a lie…I happened…I happened to those poor drawers and closet.

This is what the drawers look like after I straightened them out and got rid of items I will no longer wear. This is what they are supposed to look like, nice and neat and orderly and honestly I feel so much better ever since they have been done 🙂

My Husband and I accumulate sooo much stuff it’s crazy how fast it adds up, like where did all this come from? But like I said earlier 2018 is the year where chaotic clutter is getting the big eviction notice and leaving this house! (feels good to put my foot down haha)

So, whats next on my list to declutter?

  • Our walk-in closet
  • Bathroom cabinets and drawers
  • Night stand drawers
  • Kitchen cabinets and drawers
  • Pantry

Once all this is done I know I will feel better with less clutter and more organization, goal is to stay on top of it because lets face it, life gets busy and things get messy 🙂

What room in your house gets cluttered the most? What is the one room you hate organizing the most?  Comment below, I’d love to hear from you!

Talk to you soon








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